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And.. We're LIVE!


Updated: Oct 18, 2020

Thank you for checking out This website is brand new and I'm learning how to use it. If something does not work correctly for you, or is missing all together, you can email me directly at or visit the very established Etsy shop where you may learn about and order supplies directly.

I've got a lot of plans for this website! It's now my headquarters for All Things Marbling. Here you'll be able to browse, learn, shop, and connect. I'm particularly excited to be offering ZOOM classes and info sessions. Marbling is a vast topic, and I've gained a lot of experience over the years. I'm eager to share it with you.

During Covid, I've missed teaching immensely. Last April my calendar went from 43 classes, demonstrations, and camp appearances this year in Michigan to zero! The Etsy shop was very busy during March, April, and May as many folks searched with new-found time for a craft to learn. The shop views nearly doubled and I sent a lot of marbling kits to people quarantined in big-city apartments. Despite this pandemic and the disappointments that have come along with it, I've made a lot of new friends and helped hundreds of people get started in marbling. I look forward to helping YOU.

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